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Spectrum Behavioral Therapies | ABA Therapy | Serving Families In Orange County, CA

Early Autism Services in Orange County, CA

Early Start (0-3 Years Old)

Spectrum Behavioral Therapies provides early autism services and resources for children with developmental delays. Our service is uniquely designed for each child. We work with you to create a supportive learning environment for your child.

Mother helping her daughter to draw

What Is Early Intervention Autism?

Early intervention in autism is when newborns to three-year-olds are enrolled in ABA therapy to address a child’s developmental delays. Several peer-reviewed studies show that children with early intervention autism do much better in social, communication, and development areas if they receive early intervention services before the age of 3.

Why is age so important in early autism services? It’s due to how moldable young children’s brains are. In scientific terms, this is called neuroplasticity. Essentially, as we get older, we develop patterns and habits that are hard to divert from. Young children don’t have such set patterns yet.

Early intervention with autism makes addressing and growing various developmental skills easier for your child. It will feel more natural to them compared to older children with their habits and patterns.

However, that doesn’t mean older children can’t benefit from ABA therapy; it just takes more time to see results.

Important Developmental Milestones

Are you wondering if your child's development is on track? Here are some typical developmental milestones we see in young children:

6 Months
  • Babbles
  • Smiles at caregivers
  • Likes to look at self in a mirror
  • Responds to their name
12 Months
  • Imitates animal sounds/noises
  • Begins to self-feed
  • Enjoys simple games like peek-a-boo
  • Uses simple gestures, like shaking head for “no” or waving
  • Starts using items correctly; for example: drinks from a cup, brushes hair with comb.
18 Months
  • Demonstrates simple pretend play skills
  • Follows one-step directions
  • Pointing to show what they want
  • Has a vocabulary of approximately 50 words
  • Drinks from a cup without a lid
    Helps undress themselves
2 years
  • Notices when others are hurt/upset
  • Sorts’ shapes and colors
  • Says at least 2-word phrases (e.g., “eat cookie”)
  • Answers simple questions
  • Begins to include other children in play
  • Mimics adults and older children
3 years
  • Has two or more back-and-forth conversational exchanges
  • Uses utensils during mealtime
  • Asks “who,” “what,” and “where” questions
  • Speaks well enough that most strangers can understand
  • Follows two and three-step directions

Our Approach To Early Intervention Autism Services

Focus On The family

Our early autism services build better relationships and communication between parents, schools, and children. We include parents in all aspects of the ABA for children, from creating a unique ABA plan through each milestone. We provide parents with the skills and tools to maintain progress between sessions.

Parents can also use local resources to gain a deeper understanding of their child’s needs:

  • Parent training gives families helpful knowledge and tools. They can use them to address their child’s needs at home.
  • Developmental assessments are comprehensive. They help parents and the team identify their child’s strengths and areas for growth.
Mom reading a book with baby boy at home. Early age children education, development. Mother and child spending time together. Candid lifestyle.
Cute little boy playing with colorful toys on floor at home
Evidence-Based Program

Our Early Start program’s curriculum aims to:

  • Prepare children for lifelong learning. We do this by giving them skills and resources that transfer across activities. These skills will help them meet both current and future goals.
  • Customize treatments to meet the educational and developmental needs of children with autism. The goal is to promote their cognitive and social growth.
  • Help develop correct social interactions and relationships through Social Skills Training (SST).
  • Use of cutting-edge technological tools to enhance communication, learning, and everyday skills.
  • Plan and support move to a new school. Ensure smooth transitions between agencies and programs.

Multi-Disciplinary Approach

We provide complete support services for children with an autism spectrum disorder and their families. It offers ongoing guidance from a team of specialists, including a board-certified behavior analyst (BCBA).

Our approach also includes a speech therapist and an occupational therapist. They address a wide range of abilities and challenges through additional services.

A group of young kids learn at school
What’s The Difference Between Early Intervention And ABA Therapy For Kids?

Our services for children with autism are a great benefit for your child. Early autism services focus more on “readiness to learn” skills. They allow the child to learn from their environment (i.e., imitation, following directions, engaging with developmentally appropriate toys).

These skills are addressed with the ultimate goal for the child to meet developmental milestones, and then continue meeting further milestones as they come.

Direct ABA for children addresses more in-depth skills that follow a curriculum based on the child’s specific needs (i.e., learning levels of friendship for a child who does not demonstrate the concept of strangers vs. safe friends/families). Direct ABA also has a deeper emphasis on behavior modification.

Early Intervention Skills We Can Help With

The Autism Society of America believes autism programs should be outcome-based. This is to ensure agencies meet the individualized needs of each person with autism well.

We will work one-on-one with your child to improve their skills with daily tasks and social communication skills, such as:


happy baby boy playing outside on the grass smiling
The Spectrum Behavioral Therapies Approach to Learning
Our early start programs are a great benefit for your child. Early intervention services focus on “readiness to learn” skills. These skills let the child learn from their environment. They do this by imitation, following directions, and playing with toys. The goal is for the child to reach important milestones. This way, they will keep reaching out to new ones.
The Autism Society of America believes autism programs should be outcome-based. This is to ensure agencies meet the individualized needs of each person with autism well.
We will work one-on-one with your child to improve their skills with daily tasks and social communication skills, such as:
  • Toilet Training

  • Peer Play

  • Sustained Attention

  • Communication

  • Responding To Others

  • Reducing Challenging Behaviors (aggression, self-injurious behaviors, etc.)

  • Community-based Skills

  • School-based Skills

Insurances We Work With

ABA Therapy FAQs

Have a Question?

We are here to help you with any questions you might have surrounding ABA Therapy.

Early intervention services are designed to help your child start meeting milestones by age 3. They may not need further support after that. If your child continues to demonstrate delays at age 3, it may be recommended that your family seek other treatments or an evaluation for autism or other developmental disabilities. If you are interested in other programs or seeking an evaluation, your pediatrician can refer you.
Direct ABA therapy is available for children under 3 who have a diagnosis of an autism spectrum disorder. You can address their goals by accessing autism services. Please let us know when you contact us that your child has a diagnosis so we can support your child best.
Parents must participate in early intervention treatment. This is so you can use the strategies during and after the sessions. These resources are utilized to support your child’s progress. You are your little one’s main teacher and the skills you learn through participating in early intervention will help improve your teaching skills.
Sessions can start at 2 or 5 times per week. They can be 1.5-3 hours long. Session frequency and duration will depend on the number of treatment hours that are recommended during assessment and other factors.

Take the first step towards empowering your child's future.

 Contact us today to learn more about our programs and how we can support your child’s development. Let’s make a difference together.

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